Friday, March 14, 2014

Final Blog

After this quarter project, there were some bumpy rides and long rendering days, I was able to finish this on time. There are things that I will go over.

Things That I should've improved on:

  • Improve on the lamps
  • More Realistic Lighting
  • Little more textures

Things That I'm pretty good at:

  • The Couch
  • The Door
  • The Carpet
  • The Textures

Things that I didn't like:

  • That the Carpet takes rendering time REALLY SLOW!

In the conclusion, I would say this was a fun project that I had so far but it affects the rendering time. I'm glad it's over now! I wonder if my project can make it into Top 5 of the eMagine Awards. :)

Blog #8: The Final Render

After a very slow hours of rendering.... I am completely done with my Project! :) Here is my Video!
And I will be posting the Final Blog which summarizes my experience in this project.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Blog #7: The Textures

Finally came back from the weekend! This Friday will be the due date.... Don't WORRY!!! I'm done with it and currently rendering it right now. I will show you the picture with the textures. The video will be much better than series of pictures. Don't worry!

Blog #6: Lamps

Here is some pictures that I've done with the lamps, nothing new.
You would also see this lamp from the other pictures from my past blogs. You can see the light behind the lamp that shows the realistic of light and the way the lamp is blocking the light that gives the shape of the light.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Blog #5: The Sky and the Grass.

Oh my goodness! ANOTHER SNOW DAY! IN MARCH! This is crazy indeed. That doesn't slow down my work progress because I am done with my sky and the grass. For the grass, I couldn't do in Fur because it will SLOW everything down and it will take forever to render both the furs from the grass and the carpet. Here is my progress.

I really don't care about the outdoors for now because my main focus is on the living room. For the next 2 blogs, expect to see the progress of the lamps and the lights on mental ray render. There will be 2 separate blogs on that with the lights and improved textures.